Oh the consequences of fashion! It’s time for a jolly reinvention of the wheel, buy less? buy from charity stores like Traid? Go naked ! There’s some frighting facts about the production and exposure of hidden waste… makes me wonder what the earth will look like in the future…

“Waste-wise, the situation is not brighter. Official figures regarding the amount of clothing produced each year do not exist, but it is estimated that between 80 and 100 billion pieces of clothing are produced each year. That is a lot of hidden waste. The US has, for instance, generated 15 million tonnes of textile waste each year for the past 20 years. There are 320 million inhabitants in the USA; that’s almost 47 pieces of clothing per inhabitants per year. In 2016, Britons bought 1.13 million tonnes of clothing, which generated a total amount of 26.2 million tonnes of CO2.
The UK sent 235 million items of clothing to landfill. This is quite an outrage, especially when we know that almost 100% of clothing items are recyclable.”
Sourced from http://www.lsx.org.uk/blog/textile-issue-london-textile-forum-2018/
So hence, what to do with old clothes that you don’t need? Why not mend them firstly, fix up with a little patch or make a rag doll or voodoo doll… like a ‘jolly hockey stick’ doll below. Make characters, aliens or monsters..you’ll never know who may fall in love with them.

For example, old t shirts can be cut into mini creatures fill it will some love & old pillow stuffing and some drops of lavender oil. And now you’ve got a little crafty creature that can scent your clothes drawers or just be a weird ornament! Good for original gifts to your beloved.

Jolly Hockey Sticks aren’t that pretty admittedly but they don’t care, it’s the characters that make them so unique to say the least, anything to save a fabric going to landfill!

Spot the Goldie Looking Jolly Hockey Stick in the pic…

Strangely, the Jolly Hockey Sticks were sold in a pop up store in Carnaby St and ‘How’ magazine published them on the London shopping page.